Amid the frantic days of December filled with holiday shopping and packing and shipping orders for my online retail store, I somehow found time to enter a Reader Challenge from Cloth Paper Scissors Magazine. I’ve been wanting to submit artwork to them for a few years now, but I can never get my pieces done in time to meet their deadlines. (Yes, most of the time my art-making moves at the speed of a tortoise, lumbering and painfully slow.) But this time I already had a piece finished, something I had created last year and set aside with no idea what to do with it: a mini robot. Here he is:
I’ve been making larger robots for some time now but last year I ventured into small scale bots. I thought of them as babies and often attached them to the larger guys by magnets. This little guy never found a momma so he was perfect to use for this challenge. I placed him in a copper curio box from my stash and added a length of leather to create a pendant necklace. Then I took the picture and sent him in!
The guidelines were to “create a mini piece of mixed-media art, 4″ x 4″ or smaller, using paints, encaustics, collage papers, fibers, stitching, and more to create this wee masterpiece. Try making something you would normally do large and make it Lilliputian.”
I had no idea whether my piece would be accepted or not but in February I was pleased to find myself on the list of finalists. Out of 300 entries, they chose 53 finalists, from which they chose the ones that were published in the magazine.
I guess the magazine editors are too busy to notify artists individually of their decision because I heard nothing more about this until yesterday when my May/June issue arrived in the mail. I turned to page 87 and there was my piece – yay!
Really creative!