Last Sunday my family had a wonderful time exploring the Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts here in Wilmington. It was one of the museum’s Free Family Sundays with a theme of Build it Better.

There were two work areas set up for kids to make their own art that my crew gravitated to immediately. The first was set up on a long table set with empty glass bottles, yarn, glue, scraps of paper, and scissors.

The idea was to make something with the items at hand. We came up with a sort of stringy octopus creature using yarn to cover the bottle, some bottle caps for eyes, and a yarn mouth.

The second station had sheets of newspaper and tape – that’s it!! – and people were rolling up the paper into tight, long tubes and taping them to other tight, long tubes to create open, airy architectural structures – neat! My gang made a “swing set”, which definitely needed an explanatory label attached to it for identification purposes, lol.
All in all, it was a fun afternoon. I recommend it for anyone living in the Delaware area.