Spoonflower’s “Take a Hike” design challenge was very fun to design for as I immediately thought of a cute little bear following a path through the woods. But how to stand out from the zillions of other bear designs on Spoonflower? Make him square! And thus was born Square Bear. I feel sure he will have more adventures!
I had so much fun with this challenge that I ended up creating an entire collection, as seen below. You can browse the designs here: https://www.spoonflower.com/collections/516855.

My Square Bear design placed at number 110 in the competition, out of 602 entries. I really enjoyed working in this color palette and I ended up making many more designs using these colors, which I’ve gathered into a collection that can be viewed here: https://www.spoonflower.com/collections/620820 and a few below.

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